Thursday, December 18, 2008

Southeastern Receives $126,500 Creation Care Grant

An article has been released from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, which outlines a grant we were able to secure in the amount of $126,500 to develop and advance creation care stewardship among Southern Baptists. This will serve many purposes over the next 12 months from a campus-wide recycling program to a creation care conference to be hosted by Southeastern in 2009. While the launch of the Southern Baptist Environment and Climate Initiative was significant from a messaging standpoint, this grant will move the theoretical to the tangible as Southern Baptists begin to engage the most critical issues of our day. 


Tim said...

As a SEBTS student, this grant is awesome.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations. That's good news....

From where does the Energy Foundation receive funding?

Jonathan Merritt said...

Great question. I believe they are clearinghouse that receives funding from over a dozen partnering chairtable trusts.

Anonymous said...
