This weekend, I was interviewed by PBS' Religion and Ethics Newsweekly and today my contact there sent me an email with information on how you can add your thoughts. The producers are currently collecting the political insights of young evangelicals (18-29 years old) by asking them to send in a 2-3 minute video clip stating their attitudes and views on religion, politics and America's role in the world, and the readers of my blog sounded perfect to them.
You can record this with a webcam, cell phone camera or a real video camera if you have one. The quality of the video is not important. The best videos will be posted here during halloween weekend (irony?) alongside a story about young evangelicals that will be broadcast nationwide.
Here is the information they are looking for:
"My name is ___I am___ years old and come from ___ "
(Talk naturally and openly. Use interviews with your friends, music,whatever you want.)
An idea of the sort of things we're interested in hearing about:
What are the most important election issues to you this year?
Are your political views different from your parents? How?
To what extent are your views on humanitarian issues--working on human rights, poverty and disease--an extension of your religious beliefs?
What do you believe are the biggest problems facing the world today? Howshould the US be engaged in world affairs?
When and where should the US intervene in the world?
Do you think poverty, disease, torture and global warming are pro-life issues? Why?
Have you ever gone on international mission trips?
Let us know how theyhave influenced your views on issues like persecution, war, genocide,poverty and disease.
The video clips must be sent no later than midnight on Wednesday, October 29th. Just go to yousendit.com, a website that allows you to email large files. The email address is hanleypj@gmail.com. If you have any questions, write to Missy Daniel at danielm@religionethics.org.
As you know, I firmly believe that conversations create the change we need in culture. This is a perfect way to insert your voice into a conversation with a huge audience. I am interested to see who participates and what was said. Comment and let me know.
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